Monday, November 7, 2011

Greetings from The Overlord

Within the last year or so I have had a personal resurgence and re-initiation back into miniature wargaming. It all started last fall when a small group of us decided to play Bloodbowl. Our Tuesday Night Bloodbowl League grew to about 8 or 9 different players during the height of the 2010-2011 Season. While no overall champion was declared, the season had a far greater impact than any of us could have imagine.

Through hard work and diligent fostering, I have been able to convert half of our community to a far superior game called Warhammer 40,000. Now, I have been a huge fan of Warhammer 40,000 since first being introduced to it, sometime in 1994. The game had recently been updated to 2nd edition and was really hitting it's stride. I remember being so excited to get the Dark Millennium boxed set which added further equipment and depth to the game. Now here I am many years later in the 5th iteration of the rule set.

Sector 420 is based out of Western Massachusetts, which, fortunately for us, has a relatively active gaming community including 3 or 4 gaming stores within driving distance of our headquarters. We are all still getting our sea legs in the 5th edition ruleset, so we tend to do most of our gaming at Sector 420 Headquarters. Soon, however, I believe we will be better equipped to take on some more unfamiliar foes.

Most of Sector 420 gaming is made up of veteran 40k players from days past who have once again decided to don their power armour and entire back into the fray. There is also a breathe of fresh air as some veteran gamers are learning 40k for the first time. Allow me a moment to introduce the Sector 420 gaming group.

The Overlord - Eldar, Necrons, Dark Eldar, CSM
Warboss Mo Dakka - Orks
Dryadgangrape - Imperial Guard
Hive Mind Wang - Tyranids
Brother Captain Marshall - Ultramarines
The Blood Priest - Blood Angels

We are an open gaming group, ready to play all oncomers, as well as, ready to educate and assist those who are just learning the game. So, if you'd like to come down and join us, simply let us know. We are always willing to learn and pass on valuable information to others involved in the hobby. This includes tactics, painting tips, battle reports, reviews, etc...

The Sector 420 blog will serve as our soapbox for all things miniature gaming. As our gaming group continues to grow and flourish it is important for us to establish an online presence and a place to share our collective thoughts and ideas. So, here we are.

There is something I need you to do for me....

subscribe to this blog.... "like" our facebook page... and of course play 40k!

Please comment below or feel free to email me with ideas for future articles or just merely comments on what has been said. The best part of being in such a large and connected community is the fact that we can spread and disseminate information quickly and accurately, so let ensure we are putting the best information out there.

Until Next Time.... Game on!

-The Overlord

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